Many of you have expressed you wonder what the operation is like, how they do a bone flap and such. Here are some pictures of Payton, looks pretty rough right now but it will all be covered by hair and not noticeable a few weeks after his ordeal. Not real pretty right now but it is the least of our worries, it heals so well and easily
You are the world's worst snoring machine ever, but we love you tons! The cabin New Year's parties are never the same without you and your crazy sense of humor! Hang in there, buddy! Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your parents! Love, Craig and Sharri Rosvall
dude thats morbidly amazing, its one of those thing you just cant look away from....you'll have a cool scar tho :)
All of us down here in San Antonio send lots of love and wishes for a speedy recovery. Our thoughts are with you and your family.
We are so happy to hear that you are doing so much better! With your sense of humor and determination we are so confident you have what it takes to make a full recovery. Even though you are a gators fan, everyone here in Buckeye country is praying for you and wishing you the best!
Love, Mike and Amber Rosvall Family
Payton, I just want you to know that you cousins in Texas love you and are thinking about you.
Payton, our thoughts and prayers are with you. It's wonderful to hear that your progress is nothing less than miraculous. Hang in there. We love you.
Hey payton,
you've got nothing to worry about you'r going to be up on your feet in no time! i'll try to come by as soon as they let me in. Get better so we can ski.
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